Character Sprites
From Rivals of Aether Unofficial Workshop Manual
Sprite Names[edit | edit source]
These are the names you will have to use when naming your sprites. For example, to automatically replace the double jump animation with a 9 frame sprite, you will name the sprite doublejump_strip9.png
. Other names than those listed are acceptable for sprites, but will not be automatically used for any states.
idle walk walkturn jumpstart doublejump wallcling walljump (to align sprites against the wall correctly, the origin should be 22px from the edge of the sprite) airdodge airdodge_forward airdodge_back airdodge_up airdodge_upforward airdodge_upback airdodge_down airdodge_downforward airdodge_downback (if any of the directional airdodge animations are not included, it will just use the normal "airdodge" animation instead) plat (Used for the respawn platform. The origin should be placed at the top-center of the platform) |
dash dashstart dashstop dashturn land landinglag waveland pratfall crouch tech roll_forward roll_backward parry hurt bighurt hurtground bouncehurt spinhurt uphurt downhurt (if any hurt animations are missing, it will just use the normal "hurt" animation instead) [attackname] [attackname]_hurt |
Sprite Offset[edit | edit source]
Sprites should generally have an origin aligned on the bottom center of the sprite. The value of the origin placement location should then be put in the load.gml
script. For an easier way to set origins, see the Useful Tools page.