From Rivals of Aether Unofficial Workshop Manual
General Functions[edit | edit source]
asset_get( asset )
→resource_get( asset )
→random_func( index, high_value, floored )
→random_func_2( index, high_value, floored )
→instance_create( x, y, object )
→instance_destroy( instance_id )
→get_instance_x( instance_id )
→get_instance_y( instance_id )
→get_instance_player( instance_id )
→get_instance_player_id( instance_id )
→print_debug( text )
→user_event( num )
→get_match_setting( setting )
→get_local_setting( setting )
→set_ui_element( type, value )
→article_destroy( instance_id )
Easing Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions simulate the rate of change over time (start
and end
over the total time
, with current time
being your current position in the interpolation).
ease_linear( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_backIn( start, end, current_time, total_time, overshoot )
→ease_backOut( start, end, current_time, total_time, overshoot )
→ease_backInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time, overshoot )
→ease_bounceIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_bounceOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_bounceInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_circIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_circOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_circInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_cubeIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_cubeOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_cubeInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_expoIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_expoOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_expoInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quadIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quadOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quadInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quartIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quartOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quartInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quintIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quintOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_quintInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_sineIn( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_sineOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
→ease_sineInOut( start, end, current_time, total_time )
Sprite Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect player sprites.
sprite_get( sprite )
→sprite_change_offset( sprite, xoff, yoff )
→sprite_change_collision_mask( sprite, sepmasks, bboxmode, bbleft, bbtop, bbright, bbbottom, kind )
→set_hit_particle_sprite( num, sprite_index )
→hit_fx_create( sprite_index, animation_length )
→spawn_hit_fx( x, y, hit_fx_index )
→spawn_dust_fx( x, y, sprite_index, length )
Draw Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions can only be run from draw scripts, i.e. post_draw.gml
, draw_hud.gml
, etc. Otherwise, they will have no effect.
draw_sprite( sprite, subimage, x, y )
(GML) →draw_sprite_ext( sprite, subimage, x, y, xscale, yscale, rotation, color, alpha )
(GML) →
Text Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect text in the game. To change the look of the text, use the character's fonts folder.
draw_debug_text( x, y, text )
→draw_text_color( x, y, string, c1, c2, c3, c4, alpha )
(GML) →draw_set_font( font )
→font_get( font_name )
Sound Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect sound. The full list of base game sounds can be found here.
sound_get( sound )
→sound_play( sound )
→sound_stop( sound )
→sound_volume( sound_instance, volume, time )
→sound_pitch( sound_instance, pitch )
Attack/Hitbox Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions relate to attacks and hitboxes.
get_attack_value( attack, index )
→set_attack_value( attack, index, value )
→reset_attack_value( attack, index )
→get_window_value( attack, window, index )
→set_window_value( attack, window, index, value )
→reset_window_value( attack, window, index )
→get_hitbox_value( attack, hitbox_num, index )
→set_hitbox_value( attack, hitbox_num, index, value )
→reset_hitbox_value( attack, hitbox_num, index )
→get_num_hitboxes( attack )
→set_num_hitboxes( attack, value )
→reset_num_hitboxes( attack )
→get_kb_formula( damage, kb_adj, kb_mult, hbox_damage, hbox_bkb, hbox_kb_scale )
→get_hitstun_formula( damage, kb_adj, kb_mult, hbox_damage, hbox_bkb, hbox_kb_scale )
→get_hitstop_formula( damage, hbox_damage, hbox_hitstop, hbox_hitstop_scale, hbox_extra_hitstop )
→get_hitbox_angle( hitbox_id )
→create_hitbox( attack, hitbox_num, x, y )
→create_deathbox( x, y, w, h, player, free, shape, lifespan, bg_type )
Character Functions[edit | edit source]
is_attack_pressed( dir )
→is_strong_pressed( dir )
→is_special_pressed( dir )
→set_attack( attack )
→set_state( state )
→get_state_name( state )
→take_damage( target_player, attacking_player, damage )
→get_player_damage( player )
→set_player_damage( player, value )
→get_player_stocks( player )
→set_player_stocks( player, value )
→get_player_team( player )
→set_player_team( player, value )
→clear_button_buffer( input_index )
→has_rune( letter )
→set_victory_theme( sound )
→set_victory_bg( bg )
→set_victory_portrait( sprite )
→set_victory_sidebar( sprite )
→is_player_on( player )
→get_player_hud_color( player )
→get_char_info( player, info )
→get_synced_var( player )
→set_synced_var( player, value )
→get_player_name( player )
→get_local_player( player )
Custom Color Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect character colors.
→set_num_palettes( num )
→get_player_color( player )
→set_color_profile_slot( color_slot, shade_slot, R, G, B )
→set_color_profile_slot_range( shade_slot, H, S, V )
→get_color_profile_slot_range( shade_slot, hsv )
→get_color_profile_slot_r( color_slot, shade_slot )
→get_color_profile_slot_g( color_slot, shade_slot )
→get_color_profile_slot_b( color_slot, shade_slot )
→set_character_color_slot( shade_slot, R, G, B )
→set_article_color_slot( shade_slot, R, G, B )
→set_character_color_shading( shade_slot, factor )
Stage Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect stages. They are mostly used in stage scripts.
get_stage_data( index )
→get_marker_x( num )
→get_marker_y( num )
→get_article_script( instance_id )
→music_play_file( file )
→music_set_volume( volume )
→get_bg_data( layer, data )
→set_bg_data( layer, data, value )
Camera Functions[edit | edit source]
These functions affect the camera.