Player Variables

From Rivals of Aether Unofficial Workshop Manual

Player variables can change the way your character plays in multiple ways.

Important Variables[edit | edit source]

General Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables change the main foundation of your character.

Variable Description
url The unique identifier number for a character
small_sprites When 1, the game automatically scales your sprites 2x like base cast characters. The character's scale is set to 1+small_sprites, and the number can be higher than 1. Does not scale hurtboxes however.
player Your player number (1-4)
state Your current state
state_timer How many frames into the current state you are
state_cat Your current state category
prev_state The previous state you were in
prev_prev_state The state before the previous state you were in
attack The current attack you’re using or the last attack you used, if you aren’t currently attacking
window The window of the action you’re in
window_timer How many frames into the current window you are
spr_dir The direction the player is facing. Editing above the usual ranges will directly affect the horizontal scale of the player sprite
  • 1 = Right
  • -1 = Left
spr_angle The angle at which to draw the player’s sprite
free True when the player is in the air, false when you are not.
freemd True when the player is on solid ground, false when you are in the air or on a platform.
hsp Your current horizontal speed (in pixels per frame)
vsp Your current vertical speed (in pixels per frame)
joy_pad_idle Whether the joystick is idle or not

Also works with keyboard

joy_dir The direction of the joystick

Also works with the direction held on keyboard. Only accurate if joy_pad_idle is false

[input_name]_pressed Checks whether an input was just pressed, buffer included
[input_name]_down Checks whether an input is being held down, buffer included
[input_name]_counter When an input is pressed, this will get set to 0 and count up to 7. While under 7, it will attempt to do that input.
[direction]_hard_pressed Used for joystick hard presses, like dashing or dropping through platforms
was_parried Whether your current attack has been parried or not
down_was_pressed True when performing a moonwalk. False during the first frame of your initial dash. Setting the variable to false in an update script will disable moonwalking entirely.
can_move Whether you can move during an attack or not
can_jump Whether you can jump or not.

Used for jump cancels in attacks. If can_djump is set to false, you can only jump cancel attacks while grounded.

can_attack Whether you can attack or not

Used for jab / tilt cancels

can_strong Whether you can use FStrong / DStrong or not

Used for strong attack cancels

can_ustrong Whether you can Ustrong or not

Used for strong attack cancels

can_special Whether you can use special attacks or not

Used for special cancels

can_dspecial *Not* used for dspecial cancels. Use unknown.
can_shield Whether you can shield or not

Used for parry / roll cancels

can_drop Whenever you can drop off platforms or not
can_tech Whenever you can tech off the ground after being hit or not.

Used by the Hitbox Grid index HG_TECHABLE

can_wall_tech Whenever you can tech off walls after being hit or not
can_bounce Whenever you can bounce off the ground after being hit or not.

Used by the Hitbox Grid index HG_TECHABLE

can_djump Set to false during jumpsquat, and when djumps is equal to max_djumps. If this is false when can_jump is true, it prevents doublejump cancelling attacks.
can_dash_attack Set to true during PS_DASH_START and PS_DASH.

Can be used for dash attack cancels during attack states if set to true.

can_crouch Set to false when it would be natural to be unable to crouch.

Can be used for crouch cancels during attack states if set to true.

can_dash Set to false when it would be natural to be unable to dash.

Can be used for dash cancels during attack states if set to true. Walking is not possible from this.

can_walk Set to false when it would be natural to be unable to walk.

Can be used for walk cancels during attack states if set to true. Dashing is also possible from this.

can_up_b Whether you're able to use Uspecial in the air or not. If false and free, you'll perform Nspecial instead.
can_fast_fall Whether you can fastfall or not
can_wall_cling Whether you’re able to wall cling or not
can_wall_jump Whether you can currently walljump or not. To walljump, both this variable and has_walljump must be true. Use this to make recovery moves cancellable into walljump
has_walljump Whether you have your walljump or not
has_airdodge Whether you have your airdodge or not
djumps The number of double jumps you’ve used
off_edge Whether you can leave the ledge or not; used to prevent grounded attacks from leaving the ground
cancels_air Whether the current state cancels into PS_IDLE_AIR when airborne.
super_armor Whether you have full super armor or not
soft_armor The value of KB that it takes to break your armor
invincible Whether you’re invincible or not
invince_time The number of invincibility frames until invincible is set to false
hitpause Whether the player is in hitpause or not
hitstop The number of frames remaining until hitpause ends
hitstop_full The number of frames this instance of hitpause lasts total
hitstun The number of frames remaining until the hitstun state ends
hitstun_full The number of frames this instance of the hitstun state lasts in total
has_hit Whether you’ve hit something with the current attack
has_hit_player Whether you’ve hit a player with the current attack
clinging Whether you’re wall clinging or not.

Only functions if can_wall_cling is true

fall_through Whether you fall through platforms or not. True will cause you to fall through all platforms.
go_through Whether you can pass through other players without pushing them away or not
grav The characters gravitational acceleration
strong_charge How long you’ve been charging a strong attack (0 – 60)
smash_charging True when you are currently charging an Strong.
move_cooldown[attack] When an attack is manually set on cooldown, the variable will count down 1 every frame. The attack can not be performed until the variable is 0 again. Due to a quirk with script orders, if you wish to set it to 1 every frame, you must instead set it to 2 every frame.
  • 0 = Not on cooldown
parry_lag The number of frames to apply parry stun upon being successfully parried. Set to 40 by default.

When an aerial attack is used, its landing lag is automatically added to the baseline value upon landing. Does not get changed with HG_EXTENDED_PARRY_STUN but otherwise works as expected. Must be manually reset if altered.

landing_lag_time The number of frames you will be in the landing lag state.
knockback_scaling Unrelated to get_match_setting( setting ) SET_SCALING. Also unrelated to knockback_adj. Increases knockback taken as a multiplier.
damage_scaling Damage taken is multiplied by this value.

Gameplay Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables define your character's gameplay details. They are usually set in init.gml first, then they can be updated during gameplay or in update.gml. Base cast examples have been provided for better balancing, but are not necessary for a custom character.

Variable Base Cast Variable Values Description
  • ex_guy_hurt_box
  • orca_hurtbox
  • bug_hurtbox
  • ferret_hurtbox
  • bear_hurtbox
  • cat_hurtbox
  • wolf_hurtbox
The sprite to use for hurtbox collisions in most states
  • ex_guy_crouch_box
  • orca_crouchbox
  • bug_crouchbox
  • bear_crouchbox
  • cat_crouchbox
  • wolf_crouchbox
  • gus_crouchbox
The sprite to use for your crouching hurtbox
  • -1
  • wolf_hurtbox_air
The sprite to use for your hurtbox while aerial
  • -1 = Use hurtbox_spr
  • -1
  • orca_hitstun_hurtbox
  • wolf_hitstun_hurtbox
The sprite to use for your hurtbox while in hitstun
  • -1 = Use hurtbox_spr
knockback_adj 0.9 – 1.2 The multiplier to knockback dealt to you. The higher the value, the lighter the character. The lower the value, the heavier.
  • 1 = Default value
walk_speed 3 – 4.5 The maximum speed you can achieve while walking, in pixels per frame
walk_accel 0.2 – 0.5 The speed gained per frame while walking
walk_turn_time 6 for all characters The number of frames it takes to turn around
initial_dash_time 8 – 16 The number of frames in your initial dash
initial_dash_speed 4 – 11 The speed of your initial dash in pixels per frame
dash_speed 4.75 – 9 The speed of your run in pixels per frame
dash_turn_time 8 – 20 The number of frames it takes to turn while running
dash_turn_accel 0.1 – 2 The acceleration applied when turning while running
dash_stop_time 4 – 6 The number of frames it takes to stop while running
dash_stop_percent 0.25 – 0.5 The value to multiply your hsp by when going into idle from dash or dashstop
ground_friction 0.3 – 1 Natural deceleration while on the ground
moonwalk_accel 1.2 – 1.4 The acceleration to apply while moonwalking
max_djumps 0 – 3 The number of double jumps you can perform before touching the ground again
jump_start_time 5 for all characters The number of frames of jumpsquat minus one
jump_speed 7.6 – 12 The vsp applied when fullhopping
short_hop_speed 4 – 7.4 The vsp applied when shorthopping
djump_speed 8 – 12

-1 for Absa

The vsp applied when double jumping
jump_change 3 for all characters The hsp applied if left or right is held when jumping. Will not slow you down if you’re already going faster. When reversing your momentum with a double jump, this is the maximum hsp you can have
djump_accel 0

-1.4 for Absa

The amount of acceleration to apply during your double jump.

Allows for Absa-style double jump cancels

djump_accel_start_time 4 The first frame of your double jump that acceleration is applied
djump_accel_end_time 15 The last frame of your double jump that acceleration is applied
leave_ground_max 4 – 8 The maximum hsp you can have when you go from grounded to aerial without jumping
air_max_speed 3 – 7 The maximum hsp you can accelerate to when in a normal aerial state
max_jump_hsp 4 – 8 The maximum hsp you can have when jumping from the ground
air_accel 0.2 – 0.4 The hsp acceleration applied when you hold left or right in a normal aerial state
air_friction 0.02 – 0.07 Natural deceleration applied while in the air.

Also applies while in hitstun

double_jump_time 24 – 40 The number of frames to play the double jump animation.

Most characters have a value of 32 so that the double jump animation transitions into the falling portion of the normal jump animation

gravity_speed 0.3 – 0.6 The gravitational acceleration applied in non-hitstun aerial states
hitstun_grav 0.45 – 0.525 The gravitational acceleration applied in hitstun
max_fall 8 – 11 The maximum vsp you can accelerate to while falling normally
fast_fall 11 – 16 The vsp applied when fastfalling
land_time 4 – 6 The number of frames in your normal landing state
prat_land_time 3 – 24 The number of frames in your prat land state
prat_fall_accel 0.4 – 1.5 A multiplier to your normal horizontal aerial acceleration:
  • 1 = Normal
  • 0 = No acceleration
walljump_hsp 4 – 7 The horizontal speed to apply while walljumping, in pixels per frame
walljump_vsp 7 – 10 The vertical speed to apply while walljumping, in pixels per frame
walljump_time 18 – 32 The number of frames the walljump state takes. Normally 32, but some characters have shorter values
roll_forward_max 9 – 11 The speed of your forward roll
roll_backward_max 9 – 11 The speed of your backward roll
wave_land_time 6 – 12

Usually 8

The number of frames your waveland state lasts
wave_land_adj 1.2 – 1.5 The multiplier to your initial hsp when wavelanding

Usually greater than 1

wave_friction 0 – .15 Grounded deceleration when wavelanding
techroll_speed 8 – 11 The speed during techroll’s movement
air_dodge_speed 7.5 – 8 The speed during airdodge’s movement
char_height 36 – 74 Used for centering things on the character, placing the overhead HUD, etc
bubble_x -8 – 6 Used for visually positioning the character in Ranno’s bubble horizontally. Commonly 0.
bubble_y 0 – 10 Used for visually positioning the character in Ranno’s bubble vertically. Commonly 8.

Animation Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables animate the character. They are also set in init.gml.

Variable Description
wall_frames The number of animation frames to play before you leave the wall.

Does not work properly when can_cling is true.

small_djump Setting this to true will cause the character to use the smaller double jump VFX that Wrastor uses.
dodge_startup_frames Number of animation frames during parry’s startup. Usually just 1
dodge_active_frames Number of animation frames during parry’s active frames
dodge_recovery_frames Number of animation frames during parry’s recovery frames
tech_active_frames The number of animation frames during tech in place’s invincibility
tech_recovery_frames The number of animation frames during tech in place’s recovery
techroll_startup_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s startup
techroll_active_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s movement
techroll_recovery_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s recovery
air_dodge_startup_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s startup
air_dodge_active_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s movement
air_dodge_recovery_frames The number of animation frames during techroll’s recovery
roll_forward_startup_frames The number of animation frames during roll forward’s startup
roll_forward_active_frames The number of animation frames during roll forward’s movement
roll_forward_recovery_frames The number of animation frames during roll forward’s recovery
roll_back_startup_frames The number of animation frames during roll backward’s startup
roll_back_active_frames The number of animation frames during roll backward’s movement
roll_back_recovery_frames The number of animation frames during roll backward’s recovery
idle_anim_speed The speed of your idle animation in anim frames per gameplay frame
walk_anim_speed The speed of your walk animation in anim frames per gameplay frame
dash_anim_speed The speed of your dash animation in anim frames per gameplay frame
crouch_anim_speed The speed of your (held) crouch animation in anim frames per gameplay frame
pratfall_anim_speed The speed of your pratfall animation in anim frames per gameplay frame
wait_sprite The sprite to use for your character's wait animation
wait_time The number of frames to spend in the idle state before playing the wait animation
wait_length The duration of the wait animation in frames

Sound Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables play a sound when the respective state occurs.

Variable Player State Description
land_sound PS_LAND The sound effect to play when landing
waveland_sound PS_WAVELAND The sound effect to play when wavelanding
jump_sound PS_FIRST_JUMP The sound effect to play when jumping from the ground
djump_sound PS_DOUBLE_JUMP The sound effect to play when double jumping
air_dodge_sound PS_AIR_DODGE The sound effect to play when airdodging
landing_lag_sound PS_LANDING_LAG The sound effect to play when landing during an attack

AI Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables are used by the AI and are usually set in ai_init.gml and ai_update.gml.

Variable Description
ai_target The current target of the AI
ai_recovering Is true while the AI is attempting to recover back onto the stage
dont_recover If true, the AI will not do any actions offstage.
temp_level The difficulty level of the AI (1 - 9). If this is 0, the player is not a bot.
ai_attack_timer The amount of frames since the AI last attacked
ai_attack_time The minimum amount of frames before the AI can try attacking again
ready_to_attack Is true if the AI can perform an attack
ai_going_into_attack Is true if the AI is attempting to attack
ai_going_left Is true if the AI is moving left
ai_going_right Is true if the AI is moving right
ai_disabled Setting this to true disables the character's AI, including no longer running ai_update.gml. Only works when custom_clone is true.
ai_can_djump Exactly like can_djump, but only for AI.

Less Important Variables[edit | edit source]

These variables change automatically during gameplay.

Variable Description
hit_player_obj The instance ID of the last player that you either hit or got hit by. Mainly used for hit_player.gml and got_hit.gml, but this can be used in any script.
enemy_hitboxID The instance ID of the hitbox that you got hit by in the current frame. Mainly used for got_hit.gml and parry.gml, but this can be used in any script.
hurtboxID The instance ID your own hurtbox object. Useful for accessing its variables, like sprite_index. The rest of these variables can be found here Hurtbox Variables.
hit_player The player number of the last player that you either hit or got hit by.


Using this within the hit_player.gml script will cause it to return 1 every time.

has_hit_id The ID of the last player you've hit.
last_player The last player you got hit by.
last_player_hit_me Same as last_player but resets when your state category is SC_GROUND_NEUTRAL
last_attack The last attack that hit you.
hit_attack Appears to be identical to last_attack.
sdi_mult SDI multiplier. When hit by a hitbox your sdi_mult is set to the hitbox' sdi_mult variable, also known as HG_SDI_MULTIPLIER. Resets to 1 when not in hitstun.
dumb_di_mult Drift multiplier. When hit by a hitbox your dumb_di_mult is set to the hitbox' dumb_di_mult variable, also known as HG_DRIFT_MULTIPLIER. Resets to 1 when not in hitstun.
hit_dir The spr_dir your attacker had when they hit you.
hit_flipper The HG_ANGLE_FLIPPER that the hitbox that most recently hit you had.
last_hbox_num The index of the last hitbox that hit you.
old_hsp The horizontal speed (hsp) to apply when hitpause ends. Changes upon getting hit or landing a melee hitbox.
old_vsp The vertical speed (vsp) to apply when hitpause ends. Changes upon getting hit or landing a melee hitbox.
ground_type The type of platform that the player is standing on.
  • 1 = Solid block
  • 2 = Platform
draw_indicator Set to false to hide the character’s overhead HUD
hud_offset The vertical offset the indicator moves towards, relative to the player’s char_height. Snaps instantly to this offset, then smoothly goes back when not set.
old_jump Whether you started the current attack during a double jump with acceleration, like Absa’s double jump. Set this to false to prevent the attack from rising while jump is held
outline_color[R, G, B] Used to change the outline color of the character’s sprite. Should be used in conjunction withinit_shader()
draw_x The horizontal offset to draw the player at. This does not effect hurtboxes or hitboxes.
draw_y The vertical offset to draw the player at. This does not effect hurtboxes or hitboxes.
strong_flashing Set to true when the yellow charge overlay is applied.
gameboy_shock When true, sets the player's outline to a gameboy-green like when breaking a law on Tower Of Heaven.
white_flash_timer Causes the player to flash over the course of the inputted frames, automatically decreasing each frame. Setting to 10 would cause the overlay to start at 50%, then reduce to 0 over 10 frames. Setting the value multiple times in a row will stack the effect.
air_dodge_dir The current angle when performing an airdodge.
  • 0 = Not currently performing an airdodge.
  • 1 = Up
  • 2 = Up-Right
  • 3 = Right
  • 4 = Down-Right
  • 5 = Down
  • 6 = Down-Left
  • 7 = Left
  • 8 = Up-Left
  • 9 = Neutral
hurt_img The hurt current hurt sprite to use during hitstun. Numbers above this range will use whatever sprite the character was using before being hit.
  • 0 = bighurt
  • 1 = hurt (Uses groundhurt when !free)
  • 2 = downhurt
  • 3 = bouncehurt
  • 4 = uphurt
  • 5 = spinhurt (Animates the spinhurt faster than in the PS_TUMBLE state, and is also completely different from it. Unlike the other sprites, it isn't used for normal hits and instead has to be called manually.)
shield_pressed_in_tumble Checks if the shield button was pressed while the player is in the PS_TUMBLE state.
parried_jab Checks if the enemy's AT_JAB was parried.
activated_kill_effect Becomes true when the galaxy visual is displaying. Activates from the hit player's perspective.
should_make_shockwave When true, it will apply the visual effects for when a player is hit by a move that can kill them. Activates from the hit player's perspective.


Variable does not exist at the start of a match until the player is hit, so it should be manually initialized if you plan to check for it.

perfect_dodged Checks whether the player successfully parried. Plays the black background effect when true.

Resets to false if state is not PS_PARRY

perfect_dodging When true, applies parry-invincibility (including purple sprite visual effect) for this frame.
parry_cooldown Keeps track of parry internal cooldown. When 0, it allows the player to parry again.
visible If set to false, the player will not render. Functions such as pre_draw.gml and post_draw.gml will not run, and other characters’ other_pre_draw.gml and other_post_draw.gml will also not run from the invisible character.
grabbed_invisible Similar to visible, but resets automatically. If set to true, does not draw the player or indicator. Resets to false every frame unless forced to true. Used by Hodan's UStrong, for example.
b_reversed If you have performed a B Reversal during the current attack.
airdodge_x Is set to your current X location at the first frame of airdodge.
airdodge_y Is set to your current Y location at the first frame of airdodge.
fast_falling Whether the player is fastfalling or not.
do_a_fast_fall Forces you to fast fall if true. Can prevent fast falling if set to false.
check_fast_fall True for 8 frames after dropping through a platform.
sent_down True if you were hit by a hitbox with an angle of 181-359. To bounce when hitting the floor, this needs to be true.
times_through Generic variable with no inherent functionality. Used by several base characters to manually keep track of looping attacks.
was_free Whether you were hit by an attack while in the air or not.
was_hitpause True one frame after you've exited hitpause.
was_reloaded Whether you've been reloaded in training mode.
attack_invince True if you are currently invincible through the AG_WINDOW_INVINCIBILITY Attack Grid Indexes.
initial_invince Whether you have invincibility from respawn. Tints characters white if equal to 1. Anything above will be invincible without a tint.
respawn_taunt Counts down from 300 when taunting on the respawn platform, and kicks the player off the platform if it reaches 0.

This variable should generally be checked for alongside checks for the PS_RESPAWN state.

bear_uspecial Used to make a recovery like Etalus. When manually set to false, it resets to true when landing or getting hit.
bounced True if you have bounced off the floor during the current PS_HITSTUN state.
dont_tumble If true, you will skip the PS_TUMBLE state after PS_HITSTUN.
force_depth Stops automatic depth sorting while true, allowing the depth variable to be manually set to change the depth at which the player should render. This gets reset to 0 after animation.gml runs.
left_stick_xpos Value from -1 to 1 depending on the horizontal position of the joystick.

This input is not saved in replay data, so using it will cause replays to desync.

left_stick_ypos Value from -1 to 1 depending on the vertical position of the joystick.

This input is not saved in replay data, so using it will cause replays to desync.

ignore_camera When true, the camera will not follow the player or pan around to make sure they are in frame. Stays set until it is manually changed again.

Base Character Effects[edit | edit source]

These variable are automatically changed by the base cast of characters.

Zetterburn[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
burned Whether you’re on fire or not
burnt_id The player id of the character that burned you
burned_color The palette of Zetterburn to use when setting someone on fire. Should be from 0 to 5
burn_timer How long you’ve been on fire for. Automatically extinguishes the fire once it’s above 150
other_burned Becomes true when the player you hit is on fire. Resets to false when starting an attack.
burnt_pause Becomes true when being hit by a hitbox of HG_EFFECT 2, "Burn Consume".

Orcane[edit | edit source]

Variable Description

Wrastor[edit | edit source]

Variable Description

Kragg[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
has_rock Whether Kragg is currently holding a rock or not.

Forsburn[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
clone Whether you’re Forsburn’s clone or not. Useful to check and avoid this when referring to a hit player.
clones_player_id The owner of this clone

Maypul[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
marked Whether you’re marked by Maypul
wrapped Whether you’re wrapped or not
wrapped_player The player number of the character that wrapped you

Absa[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
hitpause_shock Whether Absa's electric shock effect visuals are applied during the current instance of hitpause. Automatically reset to false when not in hitpause
ftilt_range The range of the hitbox of Absa's second ftilt. Default 638.

Etalus[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
bear_uspecial_charge How long Etalus has charged his Uspecial. Ranges from 10 to 60.
can_freeze_timer The amount of frames left until frozen state ends. Only applicable if the player’s state is PS_FROZEN
frozen_player The player slot that froze you.
ice_time Used for expanding the circle that spawns after using Dspecial. Goes from 0 to 2 throughout its lifetime.
ice_shock_x Origin of the Dspecial shockwave.
ice_shock_y Origin of the Dspecial shockwave.
ice_initial_dash_speed Etalus' initial dash speed when running over ice. Default is 5.5
ice_dash_speed Etalus' dash speed when running over ice. Default is 5.5
ice_dash_turn_accel Etalus' dash turn accel when running over ice. Default is 0.08
ice_dash_turn_time Etalus' dash turn time when running over ice. Default is 22
ice_walk_speed Etalus' walk speed when walking on ice. Default is 3
ice_jump_height Etalus' jump speed when standing on ice. Default is 11.95
ice_short_hop_speed Etalus' short hop speed when standing on ice. Default is 8.1
ice_gravity_speed Etalus' gravity speed when standing on ice. Default is 0.65
ice_hitstun_grav Etalus' hitstun gravity speed when standing on ice. Default is 0.6
ice_ground_friction Etalus' ground friction when standing on ice. Default is 0.1
ice_wave_land_adj Etalus' wave land multiplier when standing on ice. Default is 1.4

Ranno[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
bubbled Whether you’re trapped in Ranno’s bubble or not
bubbled_id The Ranno whose bubble you’re in
bubble_time Time remaining in Ranno’s bubble
bubble_damage How much damage you have taken while within Ranno's bubble.
bubble_alpha The opacity of the bubble. Goes from 1 to 0.5 through the bubble's lifetime.
poison The number of poison stacks on you.
tongue The instance ID of Ranno's tongue.
tongued_id The instance ID of the player who Ranno hit with the tongue.
xprev The X position of Ranno when Fspecial was input.
yprev The Y position of Ranno when Fspecial was input.

Clairen[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
plasma_pause Whether you’re in Clairen’s plasma stun or not.
plasma_id The instance ID of the player that stunned you.
plasma_player The player slot that stunned you.
plasma_timer Time remaining in the outline recolor from Clairen's stun.

Sylvanos[edit | edit source]

Variable Description

Elliana[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
has_mech Whether Elliana is in her mech or not.
mech_walljump_hsp Sets walljump_hsp when Elliana's mech is rebuilt. Defaults to 7
snake_knockback_adj Sets knockback_adj after Elliana uses USpecial. Defaults to 1.3
mech_knockback_adj Sets knockback_adj when Elliana's mech is rebuilt. Defaults to 0.9
can_hover If Elliana is allowed to hover or not.
max_hover_accel Elliana hovers faster the further away she is from max_hover_vsp. This variable determines the cap on her acceleration. Defaults to 1.3
max_hover_vsp The maximum vsp that hovering is allowed to reach. Defaults to -7.
hover_time Used for hovering logic. Starts at 26 when hover starts, stays at 18 when accelerating, counts down when jump is let go.
hover_volume Used for hovering volume. Counts up from 0 to 1 when holding hover, and counts down when letting go.
heat Elliana's heat mechanic. Decreases by 3 every frame. Overheats when reaching max_heat. Strongs reduce heat by 150 to 600 based on charge.
max_heat Elliana's max heat is 1200.
overheated True when heat has reached max_heat. Sets to false after when heat is 0.
temp_overheated Set to true when overheat strong is used, set to false when steam strong is used.
nspecial_heat How much heat is increased by her Nspecial. Default 600.
dspecial_heat How much heat is increased by her Dspecial. Default 300.
fspecial_heat How much heat is increased by her Fspecial. Default 300.
charged_fspecial_heat How much heat is increased by her Fspecial at full charge. Default 600.
repeat_heat How much heat is increased by her Ftilt looping. Default 200.
djump_heat How much heat is increased every frame Elliana is flying. Default 12.
strong_heat How much heat is reduced when performing a strong with no charge. Default 150.
strong_heat_final How much heat is reduced when performing a strong with full charge. Heat reduced scales linearly from strong_heat to this value throughout the charge. Default 600.
stuck Whether you’re stuck by Elliana’s mine, this variable counts up every frame, and when it reaches 100 mine can be detonated by Elliana.
stuck_id The ID of the Elliana that stuck you.
stuck_player The player number of the Elliana that stuck you.
claw The instance ID of Elliana's claw.

Ori[edit | edit source]

Variable Description

Shovel Knight[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
gems The amount of currency Shovel Knight currently has.
gem_meter Used for his L Abyss Rune. Collecting gems increases this number and is used for his knockback increase meter. Caps at 1000.
shop_select Tracks which item Shovel Knight has currently selected in the shop. From 0 to 5.
item_cost An array of the cost of all of Shovel Knight's items, from left to right. {1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000}.
buzzsaw The instance ID of Shovel Knight's utilt buzzsaw.

Mollo[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
djump_speed_A Mollo's first double jump's speed. Defaults to 9.5
djump_sound_A Mollo's first double jump's sound effect.
double_jump_time_A Mollo's first double jump's animation time. Defaults to 38
djump_speed_B Mollo's second double jump's speed. Defaults to 7.5
djump_sound_B Mollo's second double jump's sound effect.
double_jump_time_B Mollo's second double jump's animation time. Defaults to 18

Hodan[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
crawl_speed Hodan's crawl speed defaults to 2. Uses walk_accel for acceleration. Setting this to a number won't let your character inherently crawl. That must be coded manually.
crawl_anim_time Increases or decreases by 1 every frame Hodan crawls forwards/backwards.

Pomme[edit | edit source]

Variable Description

Olympia[edit | edit source]

Variable Description
crystalized_damage_remaining The amount of damage a player in the PS_CRYSTALIZED state can take before it shatters

Core Game Variables / Completely Unknown[edit | edit source]

Some variables are required for the character to even function, and should really not be changed. Some variables are on this list because their purpose is unkown.

Variable Description
init True when the character has been initialized.
custom If the oPlayer object is a Custom Character or not (Base Character). Setting this to false when you are a custom character or vice versa completely breaks the character.
advanced_skin If the oPlayer object is an Advanced Skin or not.
air_dodge_type Defaults to string "melee". Changing this variable to an unsupported string will completely break airdodge.
immune_to_laws If you are immune to Tower Of Heaven laws or not.
char_surf Unknown.
consecutive_strongs Unknown. Does not increase when... doing consecutive strongs.
dying Unknown.
older_old_hsp Unknown.
older_old_vsp Unknown.

Some variables are inaccessible from workshop scripts and cannot be read or modified.


See Also[edit | edit source]