Uploading Your Item

From Rivals of Aether Unofficial Workshop Manual

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After your workshop item is ready to be uploaded to Steam Workshop, navigate to Extras > Steam Workshop from the main menu. Select the character you want to upload, then press Upload Changes. You can later update the Steam page description and images manually.


Any other files besides .gml, .ogg, and .png files in the folder will be omitted when uploading the workshop item (extension letters are case sensitive).

Updating Your Item[edit | edit source]

Updating an item follows the same steps as uploading one. When you do, the minor_version variable in the config will add one to itself and update your character accordingly.

Steam Errors[edit | edit source]

When trying to upload an item, you might encounter an error. You can easily fix these errors. The list below shows the common errors that happen when uploading an item.

The game won't detect any script errors when uploading the item. You have to manually troubleshoot them beforehand.

Error Error code Description
Remote items cannot be submitted. The workshop item is located in the downloaded content folder.
- Steam Workshop Error - 1 The URL in config.ini matches with another existing workshop item, or doesn't exist yet.
Generic failure. 2 There's no internet connection to your PC.
Too much of a good thing. 24 The dimensions of preview.png is too big.
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